MIT 24-Hour Challenge 2025 presents:
Support flexible online courses from MITx!
106 donors
raised $7,601
100 donor goal
About This Microchallenge
A generous alumni donor contributed $20,000 to support Digital Learning and Open Learning and challenges another 628 (Floor(π x 200)) donors to exceed the donation.
Every gift made to MITx, OpenCourseWare, and Open Learning on March 13 will directly support our mission to transform teaching and learning at MIT and around the world with innovative and accessible resources for today’s learners.
About MITx
Everyone should have the chance to learn with MIT-quality courses.
For over a decade, MITx has invited people around the world to learn with MIT online through our massive open online courses (MOOCs) and participate in a community of learning—all for free.
More than four million people have taken a MOOC to build up their knowledge, enhance their career, or challenge themselves by taking a rigorous MIT course. The majority of MITx learners enroll in MIT’s MOOCs for free.
With your support, we will be able to continue to serve and help millions more people achieve their learning goals by creating the MOOCs that draw on the knowledge and resources of MIT faculty, Digital Learning Lab scientists and engineers, and staff.
Please give to MITx during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge and support our efforts to produce new and in-demand online courses.
Please visit us online to learn more about MITx.
You can also contribute to one of our other microchallenges:
*If you do not see a particular fund listed, you can donate on the MIT giving site and still be counted in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge.