Answers to many common questions about giving during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge are provided below. If, however, you find that your question is not addressed here, please contact us directly at annualgiving@mit.edu or 617-253-0129.
Answers to many common questions about giving during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge are provided below. If, however, you find that your question is not addressed here, please contact us directly at annualgiving@mit.edu or 617-253-0129.
How can I make a gift?
You can donate online by going to 24hourchallenge.mit.edu, choosing one or more microchallenges to support, and clicking “Give Now” to complete your donation. If you do not see a particular fund listed, you can donate on the MIT giving site and still be counted in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge.
How can I make a gift using my PayPal account?
If you’d like to donate via PayPal, please do so on giving.mit.edu.
Please call the MIT Office of Records at 617-253-8270 to make your credit card gift by phone on 3/13/2025 between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET.
Why should I give to the MIT 24-Hour Challenge?
Giving during the Challenge on March 13 enables you to join with thousands of Institute alumni, students, parents, and friends around the globe who believe in the MIT community’s efforts to make a better world. Together, these gifts will add up to make a positive, tangible impact on education, research, and innovation at the Institute—and aid our students, faculty, and staff as they work to solve society’s biggest challenges.
Why should I give on March 13? Can’t I still help MIT by just giving any other day?
Your gifts to MIT are always appreciated—thank you for your generosity! On March 13, more than 40 MIT departments and groups will hold special microchallenges to help us reach our goal. And by giving on this day, you will be uniting with thousands of other MIT alumni, students, parents, and friends around the globe to support the MIT community’s efforts to make a better world.
You can make a gift at giving.mit.edu and provide information about your honoree.
My MIT 24-Hour Challenge gift will be arriving by wire, stock, DAF, or IRA, and it may arrive a few days before or after March 13, 2025. What do I need to do to ensure my gift is counted in the Challenge?
For all non-credit card gifts, please notify the Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu. In your email, please include the type of gift that will be coming, the amount of the gift, how it should be designated, and note that you wish to have it counted in the Challenge. If you are sending a gift of stock or mutual funds, please also include the number of shares, ticker symbol, and the brokerage firm making the transfer. For gift instructions, including stock instructions, wire account information, or where to send a check, please visit https://giving.mit.edu/ways.
Is it possible to make a gift through an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) and have it count for the MIT 24-Hour Challenge?
Yes. For donors who are 70½ or older, qualified charitable distributions for up to $108,000 per person per year from your IRAs may count towards your required minimum distribution and can be excluded from your taxable income. Please send an email to MIT’s Office of the Recording Secretary at recsec@mit.edu and the Office of Gift Planning at giftplanning@mit.edu to let them know of your intention and designation. We realize these gifts take a little longer to execute, and with this notice of your intention and desire to include it in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge, we are pleased to count it.
You can find more information about IRA QCDs here.
If I make a gift by check, will I be counted in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge?
The best way to ensure that your gift is counted during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge is to give online at 24hourchallenge.mit.edu or by calling 617-253-8270 between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET on March 13. You can also send a check to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PO Box 412926, Boston, MA 02241-2926. Please be sure to add a note to the memo section indicating that it is an MIT 24-Hour Challenge gift. Only checks received and processed, or designated to be processed, on March 13 will be counted in the Challenge.
If I make my gift on March 13 through giving.mit.edu or over the phone, will my gift still count in the Challenge?
Yes! Please note, though: If the gift is not made directly on the Challenge website at 24hourchallenge.mit.edu, there may be a delay in your gift being added to the leaderboard of donors—but please know that it will be counted in the final tally!
Where can I find a list of all the microchallenges going on during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge?
You can find a list of the current microchallenges here.
Can I make my gift count toward more than one microchallenge?
Yes! You can make a gift in support of two or more microchallenges. When visiting the giving form, you can specify multiple designations by selecting the “Add another gift to your donation” button in the bottom left when you are entering the details of your gift. After choosing to make an additional gift, you will get to choose another microchallenge designation. You may do this as many times as you wish. Please note: No matter how many microchallenges you support—thank you!—you will count toward the overall Challenge goal as one unique donor.
What if the area I want to give to isn’t listed on the MIT 24-Hour Challenge website. Can I still give to this fund on March 13 and have my gift count?
Yes! Please visit giving.mit.edu and search for the fund you wish to designate your support to and make your gift there. (You can also call us at 617-253-8270 to make your credit card gift by phone on 3/13/2025 between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET.) Your gift will still be counted in the overall MIT 24-Hour Challenge goal if it is given on March 13. Please note that there may be a delay in your gift being added to leaderboards, but know that it will be counted in the final tally.
I live or will be traveling outside of the Eastern time zone on March 13. Will my gift count that day?
As the MIT 24-Hour Challenge HQ is in Cambridge, the timeline for giving is between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET. Please be sure to make your gift during this period and your gift will count! You can also email recsec@mit.edu before March 13 to check if your gift can be counted that day.
I will have no access to the phone or internet on March 13. Can I make a gift now to have it counted for the MIT 24-Hour Challenge?
Yes! Please call the Office of Records at 617-253-8270 to make a credit card gift over the phone and ask that it be processed on March 13, 2025, to count toward the Challenge. You may also send a check now to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PO Box 412926, Boston, MA 02241-2926. Please be sure to add a note to the memo section indicating that it is an MIT 24-Hour Challenge gift. Thank you!
What if I want to set up a recurring gift? Do I need to wait until March 13?
Thank you for considering making a recurring gift, which offers you a convenient way to set up regular contributions to MIT. To set up a new monthly or annual recurring gift and have it counted toward the MIT 24-Hour Challenge, visit giving.mit.edu BEFORE March 1, 2025. Any monthly or annual recurring gift set up with payments falling on March 1 or March 15 will be counted. MIT will take care of the rest.
I typically make my gift through my employer’s portal to have my gifts matched (i.e., Dell, Apple, JustGive, YourCause, Benevity, etc.). How can I ensure that my gift will be counted for the MIT 24-Hour Challenge?
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will receive your gift through those channels by March 13. We encourage you to make a gift of any amount on March 13, 2025, at 24hourchallenge.mit.edu, in order to have your participation counted. Gifts made through employer portals or other third-party platforms may take as long as three (3) months before arriving at MIT, depending on their disbursement practices.
I would like to make a pledge on March 13. Will that count toward the Challenge?
Thank you for your support of the MIT community. Unfortunately, pledges WILL NOT count toward the MIT 24-Hour Challenge. While we are greatly appreciative of those who wish to make a pledge, only gift transactions made between midnight and 11:59 p.m. ET on March 13 will count toward the micro- and overall challenges.
If I have a current pledge and I make my pledge payment on March 13, will it count toward the challenge?
Yes, you can make your pledge payment on our giving site at giving.mit.edu or call us at 617-253-8270 so we can help you.
If I already made a gift to MIT this year and I make another gift on March 13, will it count toward the Challenge?
Thank you for your past support! Yes, all alumni, students, parents, and friends who have already given in this fiscal year may make another gift to the MIT community on March 13 and it will count toward the Challenge.
I’m celebrating a reunion year, but if I give to a designation other than my class gift, will my gift still count toward my reunion class gift?
Congratulations on your reunion milestone—and yes, your gift to any fund at MIT during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge will count toward your reunion class gift.
I made a gift of $314 (or more). When will I receive my travel mug?
Travel mugs will ship in four to six weeks following the MIT 24-Hour Challenge. One mug per donor for gifts of $314 or more.
Does my name have to appear on the Challenge site’s Donor Wall?
No, you have the option to not display your name when you give during the Challenge. Alternatively, you can also choose not to display your gift amount but have your name listed on the Donor Wall—it’s up to you! Please note: The default is to list both your name and your gift amount, so be sure to select the option that works best for you.
What is Mightycause?
MIT Annual Giving is partnering with Mightycause to offer the MIT community—alumni, students, parents, and friends—a place to celebrate the Institute on March 13, 2025, by participating in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge. Mightycause is an online fundraising platform used by nonprofit organizations and individuals to raise money for charitable and personal causes.
Can I see who has already made a gift when I log in to the MIT 24-Hour Challenge Ambassador portal?
Yes! You can see who has already made a gift in support of the Challenge on the MIT 24-Hour Challenge web page. The Donor Wall will be visible on the right side of the web page and will be updated throughout the day. When a gift is made on the MIT 24-Hour Challenge website, the name of the donor will be visible on the Donor Wall if they choose to display their name. However, we will also be uploading gifts coming in from various other sources throughout the day; therefore, there may not be a comprehensive list of all donors until the end of the day.
How do I log into my MIT 24-Hour Challenge Ambassador page and get my personalized link?
Thanks for serving as a Challenge Ambassador! Please visit the MIT 24-Hour Challenge home page and look for “Get Involved” in the upper-left corner dropdown of the web page. Click over to the page and you will be prompted to log in with your Challenge Ambassador credentials. If you do not have credentials yet, you can simply sign up with your email or MIT Infinite Connection account. Additionally, if you are logged into your account, you can use any share buttons on the site or microchallenge pages. Any of the activity generated through these links will also be reported on your Challenge Ambassador page.
Can I see how many donors have made a gift using my personalized link?
Yes! When you log in to your Ambassador page, you will be able to see how many donors have given to MIT through your personalized link. Please note: You will see the number of gifts but not the actual donor names on your page.
Can I share my custom Challenge Ambassador link on my social media accounts?
Yes—thank you for sharing information about the Challenge! Please feel free to share the link along with Challenge content as much as you want on March 13. And remember: Your custom link enables you to track how many donors have made gifts thanks to your awareness efforts.