MIT 24-Hour Challenge 2025 presents:


Fundraiser image

Support Jewish community at MIT

304 donors

raised $73,305

360 donor goal

About This Microchallenge

Your support of MIT Hillel during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge on March 13 can have an extra impact on MIT’s Jewish community, thanks to a special donor challenge.

Our alumni matchers are making their gifts to inspire the next generation to do their part to sustain Jewish life on campus. 

If 360 donors make a gift to Hillel on March 13, David Tabak ’90 will give $21,600, Jeff ’70 and Jane Hankoff will give $10,000, and Stuart ’66 and Lynda Clare Vidockler will give $10,000, for a total match of $41,600.

A group photo in Hillel branded hooded blankets

About Hillel

MIT Hillel is a welcoming, pluralistic environment for all members of MIT’s Jewish community: undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs, faculty, staff, and alumni. Hillel is a place where the bright, questioning minds of MIT learn, grow, and embrace joy together. 

Hillel members make crafts together

*If you do not see a particular fund listed, you can donate on the MIT giving site and still be counted in the MIT 24-Hour Challenge.


Giving Activity